Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bad tourist.

I regret to inform you that I'm not a very good tourist. We completely ditched the War Museum/Memorial in favour of a bigger hard drive. Thomas and I purchased our beloved iMac just over a year ago with the assumption it would fit in a carry-on suitcase. In all of our amazing planning/complete idiotness we didn't actually attempt said "fitting" until the day before we left. One panicked phone call to a local mac retailer and a wad of cash later, we were in possession of a new MacBook Pro. Unfortunately, with such little time (one afternoon) to acquire the laptop we weren't able to get the upgrades we wanted. Needless to say it did not make us grateful laptop owners.

Enter friend: Dan Spicer, "hard drive is super easy to install, man". So with only one weekend left in the company of Mr. Spicer we attacked Yongsan Electronics Market. Okay, not really attacked so much as followed Dan around like lost puppies while he swiftly purchased us a 500GB hard drive along with a case for the 250GB one we'd be removing. How much? $120.00 (or 123,000 won).

I think we still miss our iMac and we've still got a RAM purchase and installation to tackle on our own, but we're not complaining (at least not a lot). Hopefully this weekend we'll make up for our lack of touring and see a palace or museum or something. I think we're hitting up Costco for sure so maybe I'll document the righteous hot dog I'm planning on enjoying. Jealous? Obviously.


  1. Yes, much more American things here than even back home in Canada! A Krispy Kreme, Dunkin' Donuts, McDonalds, Outback Steakhouse, TGIF, and Pizza Hut all within one block from our house.
