Monday, July 13, 2009

Do you not hear what I don't hear?

Commence whine:

I'm still sick. I became sick nearly two weeks ago. This nasty little bugger started with a cough then more and more coughing and less sleeping and more coughing and sinus fillage and less sleeping and finally a lovely little ear infection (including loss of hearing in the right ear). The "good" news is that when I finally agreed to see the doctor, our boss took me to an ear, nose, throat clinic. Can you believe that? No referral, just walked right in and was seen immediately. The "scary" part was that he actually wore one of those old-school reflectors on his head (see fig. 1). Oddly enough when looking for a stock photo of a reflector thingy, the only photos that came up were ads for Halloween costumes. Hmmm. I'd also love to tell you about the "treatment" I received at the clinic which involved two heated cup things with handles that I held over my ears for 30 seconds, but it's too hard to explain.

To sum up: I'll be returning on Wednesday when I will potentially have my ear drum stabbed and drained. Gross. Until then, I'll continue taking my albino pill cocktail and using the word "what?" way too much.

Last paragraph, I promise, I have a little treat in store so stay tuned for upcoming posts that involve Korean items with English gone drunken.

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