Sunday, September 20, 2009

No hatin'

I am worried this blog seems to leave the impression there isn't much to be desired in this krazy Korea-land. Simply not the case:

1. $3 bottles of nail polish in rockin' colours only require one sweep of the brush for perfect coverage.
2. When it rains, there are umbrella bagging devices when you walk in a store or restaurant so you don't drip all over.
3. The kids are pretty darn cute (I have a lil' gal that continuously exclaims, "I am genius!" and then sucks her thumb, I think she's 8).
4. You get to ride your bike on the sidewalk, a HUGE sidewalk.
5. It hasn't rained in over a week, and before that it hadn't rained in over a week (maybe not a big deal to anyone not from Vancouver).
6. No tipping.
7. Something oddly liberating being able to live and work and get around everywhere you need to go sans auto.
8. We work 6 hours a day (and it takes 30 seconds to walk to work).
9. Cans of soda are 2/3 the size, and 1/3 the cost
10. We found curry, butt loads of curry: cans of Thai curries, packets of Indian curries, and even some pretty good ramen curry if we need curry in a hurry (couldn't resist).

Mostly small things that probably don't seem like much, but we appreciate them, and we appreciate the people. Like our one security guard who is terrified of our lil' 7 lb dog, and our other security guard who busted out some English today for the first time (obviously mustering up the courage over the past 4 months)! Or the random Koreans who shout "HELLO!" and wave like lunatics when they pass you, just because they know a little English. I appreciate that although I get treated like a child on occasion, I also get treated like a welcome guest. Finally, in the nearly three years Thomas and I have been married, and 5 years we've been together, this is the first time we've kept the same work hours. Definitely not complaining.

To sum: good contraptions, great company.

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