Friday, August 13, 2010

Surprise Confession

We love our bosses. They might be the kindest Koreans we know. One is soft spoken and quite strictly religious. The other is big, boisterous, and the students are terrified of him. When we ask him about his weekend, he often replies, "oh, I was drunken!". Two polar opposites, but both are always willing to help us out anytime we need it.

Koreans still aren't as big into dogs as people are in North America. Most still think of them very much as vermin. Often Koreans will tell you how dirty dogs are, and how you shouldn't have one because they just make you sick.

So, after work yesterday I had to stay late to mark some practice tests for our "scary" boss (we have students preparing for an important English exam). I called to let Thomas know I'd be late, and being the kind husband he is he came over with Sawyer and some fried chicken. Our boss came in and asked, "You love having your dog?". Thomas told him yes, we loved Sawyer, and proceeded to ask our boss if he liked pets.

We fully expected to hear, "no, I don't like having a pet". We were correct, that's what he said.
Then we expected him to say, "they are so dirty". But no. He said, "when I was a boy my dog died and I cried and cried and cried. A pet brings to much sorrow".

Best ever.

1 comment:

  1. Why do you make your husband and child sit to urinate. How controlling can one person be? You must be an extremely unhappy person. You should include your sexist and transphobic comments into your blog. I'm sure your readers would love that.
